In deze periode van de winter heerst er meestal een rust, koude, stille dagen, die beetje bij beetje iets langer worden. De natuur die zich stilletjes voorbereid voor de lente. Deze warme januari voelt meer aan als een herfst, onstuimig en nat. Met een 2e volle maan deze maand kan het zomaar onrustig voelen. Voordat het...

Anicha- Waar leven is, is verandering. Verandering vraagt om aanpassing en dit kan gepaard gaan met stress, langer of intenser dan goed voor ons is. Vroeg of laat in het leven krijgen we allemaal te maken met moeilijke momenten, en de manier waarop we daar mee om gaan kan een groot verschil maken in de...

  Een flink pak sneeuw leek een abrupt einde te maken aan de herfst in Nederland. Het kleurrijke, veranderlijke seizoen werd koud, helder en sereen wit. Zelfs de kleinste takjes droegen een dikke laag sneeuw. Als we naar de natuur kijken zien we dit terug in een cyclisch proces. De in de lente ontkiemde zaden groeien in...

  “Body, mind, and soul are interrelated,” the Master said. “You have a duty to the body- keeping it fit; a duty to the mind-developing its powers; and a duty to the soul- daily meditation on the Source of your being. If you fulfill your duty to the soul, body and mind will benefit, too; but...

Very rarely only one muscle is involved in movement. To create stability around the joint and gain precision, we co-contract several muscles with each movement. Co-contraction of the agonist muscles (the prime movers, who mostly get the credit) and the antagonist muscles (the opposing muscles that create stability and support in the joint) occurs to ensure smooth...

We have fine control over our movements with our muscles. We make precise movements thanks to our nervous system' s innervation of the muscles. But what is connecting everything in the body like a matrix? Connective tissue: There are 10 times more nerve endings in our fascia than in our muscle. They are providing us feedback: we know...

When muscles and joints are not being stressed or stretched, the muscle loses its strength: Atrophy. Muscular atrophy arises quite quickly when a joint or limb is immobilized, with changes occuring within the first 48 hours. Around 30% (!!) Of muscle mass can be lost after only 3 days of immobilization, and this can rise up...

  [gallery ids="594,576,577" type="rectangular"]   Krishnamacharya kwew 3000 asanas but claimed that his teacher knew 7000. This was back in 1930. Since then, creative teachers with martial arts or gymnastic background have continued to develop more and more postures, variations and movements. But how many of those tens of thousends can a human actually do according to our individual and...

We need to move, to walk, to breathe, to stretch, to work on strenghening the muscles and stressing our joints.When we move, when we breathe, walk, stretch or compress our body, we are sending mechanical signals throughout our matrix. Our trillions of cells are listening, waiting to hear what instrucions we are sending. Think of this...

We are all under some level of chronic stress these days. By learning to activate your parasympathetic nervous system, and reducing the effect of your sympathetic nervous system, you can reduce the stress on your heart, digestive system, immune system and more. This will not only make you a happier person, it will also help to...